This soft pita bread sandwich made with pan-seared “kabob” style seasoned ground turkey is light but also filling and makes a delicious lunch or dinner. This easy-to-make pita sandwich...
When there’s recipes with cheese involved, you know it will taste good. There’s something about melted cheese that makes a dish taste so good. In these recipes there’s brie,...
This honey walnut shrimp is nothing short of a dream. Sometimes it can be hard to try something new at a restaurant when they have a particular dish on...
Roxie the Yorkshire Terrier is so adorable in her colorful outfit and is posing comfortably in her mom’s arm. This little cutie is my friend’s sweet little dog, Roxie....
Recipes that start out with bread just have to be good. As if bread didn’t taste good enough on its own, adding toppings makes it taste even better. Especially...
A spicy twist to classic potato salad. There are so many delicious ways to make potato salad. It’s like a blank canvas with all kinds of possibilities when it...
A delicious one-skillet meal with Italian sausage and Radiatore pasta that’s quick and easy to make any day of the week. Pasta dishes are great for dinner when you’re...
For a real twist on bagels and cream cheese, try these delectable baked doughnuts with smooth and creamy cream cheese frosting. Sometimes recipes can come about when you don’t...
This tropical smoothie has the perfect combination of flavors to take you away to paradise. Smoothies are delicious any time but when it’s burning hot outside, sipping on an...
Maximum weekday or weekend dinner luxury. This quick and easy barbecue chicken and rice dinner is great for a busy day go-to meal. There are just a handful of...